“The Road Back Home” – addiction treatment centre

The Road Back Home is a private addiction treatment centre near Wrocław, Poland. Our approach to therapy relies on encouraging our patients to change their lives and themselves – we do not force anyone to get better. Every person in need will find here not only support in fighting their addiction, but also advice on improving the quality of their lives.

The addiction therapy represents the first step of the journey towards happier family home and life which you deserve. Give yourself a chance. You shall discover serenity, love and the sense of self-worth you never knew were possible.


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Our staff are certified psychotherapists and psychiatrists with over 20 years of experience in substance abuse treatment. We offer individual, group and family therapy.


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Adolescence is when identity is formed – we offer counselling for children and young people during this difficult time.


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We offer comprehensive care and therapy for patients suffering from eating disorders.


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Family therapy at our centre takes form of weekly support group meetings.


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- of a Psychiatrist
- of a Psychologist
- of Psychotherapists specialising in addiction treatment
- in breathing and support in anxiety coping


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- free-of-charge initial assessment (individual or family)
- 24/7 counselling and medical care
- full catering with 3 meals a day
- fully equipped rooms with bathrooms


Come visit us - we will show you the right path - start therapy

rozmowa ludzi

Our specialisation


Treatment of alcoholism

zamyślona kobieta

Leczenie depresji


Child and Youth Therapy

jedzenie na talerzu

Eating disorders

biała koszula

Contact us


Addiction treatment centre

We approach the needs of every patient individually. We believe that addiction recovery is a comprehensive process involving current and future well-being. Hence, we aim to provide our patients with all the necessary tools of self-development. Should you choose therapy at our centre, we shall offer you a place to safely focus on your issue with our professional, 24/7 support.

Scope of services

Our offer is tailored to meet your personal needs. We provide therapy and counselling services to people of any age – addicted individuals, their family members as well as adult children of alcoholics or dysfunctional families. We treat substance abuse (alcoholism, drug addiction etc.), gambling and eating disorders.

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Our approach

We shall begin by listening to you and analysing your case. Following, we shall help you understand your strengths and build the trust in your abilities. There is a “new”, more satisfactory alternative to your current way of life – we will assist you in finding it.
The centre offers help not only to Addicts – we also take care of family members, partners, adult children of dysfunctional families, relatives, co-workers and all those that have been indirectly affected by substance abuse. With our support, you shall avoid the pitfalls of recovery – we will also show you how to be gentle to yourself and your surroundings during the recovery.
We offer free-of-charge initial assessment (individual or family) and also:


- provided by a Psychiatrist
- provided by a Psychologist
- provided by Psychotherapists specialising in addiction treatment
- 24/7 counselling and medical care
- breathing and anxiety coping trainings


- full catering with 3 meals a day
- fully equipped rooms with bathrooms
- a sauna
- a gym and leisure area

Therapy in a family environment

We offer therapy and counselling in a friendly, stress-free environment. Our ultimate goal is to allow our patients to recover as quickly as possible and to lead fulfilling, anxiety-free lives. Our motto is “minimum theory, maximum practice” which makes our approach particularly emphatic towards our patients.

Throughout the alcohol or drug rehabilitation we guarantee respect for the patient and their individual needs. Our substance detox procedures are effective and pain-free to our patients.

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Joanna’s story

Meet Joanna — one of our patients who thanks to her hard work and our support has won her life back:

I am 28 years old, and I am addicted to drugs and pharmaceuticals. Throughout the years of my addiction I was unable to quit doing drugs although I knew that would eventually kill me. That would have been the most likely outcome, had I not ended up at “The Road Back Home” meeting Andrzej and Lilla.

I have gone through many detoxes, and many failed attempts to get rid of my addiction. Today I owe Andrzej a lot, since he has always believed in me. I first arrived at “The Road Back Home” in August 2017 after binge-using amphetamine and benzodiazepans for four weeks. My overall state was such that it might as well have been my last “binge”. “The Road Back Home” has given me hope that I no longer have to do drugs. I no longer feel the need to “run away from myself” by doing drugs as was the case for me earlier since I was unable to function normally in the real world on my own. I have been “clean” thirteen months already and I used to think that would have been impossible. My obsession with drugs was stronger than anything else – I would take such quantitives of drugs that I eventually ended up in bed unable to lift my finger. I would just stay in bed obsessively doing drugs and terrified at the same time that the next “round” will be my last.

I remember the day, when trying to get up from my, I fell to the floor. I was able to crawl to the bathroom while crying. My hands were completely pale and I had a seizure, but once I was back in the room I took drugs again. I do not want to go through that experience again.

Today my life looks completely different. I have a stable position in my profession. I am about to graduate from my studies and I am learning intimacy in a relationship with a man who has given me the sense of stability. I no longer feel the need to do drugs, but I do know that I am an addict and will remain one till the end of my life. I have moved to Wrocław since “The Road Back Home” is just around the corner. Andrzej and Lilla are like a family to me. I visit the centre regularly since I feel here at home – the one that is genuine and full of love. I attend the support group run by Andrzej and I am learning to “live in the here and now” and I do know I am on the right track.

An Addict